Despre noi
Fondata in 1990, Hydra activeaza pe piata de televiziune si comunicatii video.
La inceput telul nostru principal a fost introducerea tehnologiilor digitale.
Incepand cu 2005-2007 ne-am ocupat cu implementarea tehnologiilor ce utilizeaza transferul si procesarea de fisiere si modificarea corespunzatoare a proceselor de productie in industria de televiziune si comunicatii video.
Dupa 2011 ne-am axat pe analiza si implementarea de solutii cu grad ridicat de redundanta.
Totodata incepand cu 2016 am inceput sa furnizam solutii si tehnologii pentru mediul on-line.
In prezent, scopul nostru este introducerea tehnologiilor IP, modul in care se realizeaza tranzitia catre sisteme complet IP si cum se poate unifica productia si procesarea semnalelor necompresate cu semnalele compresate.
Un alt obiectiv, in prezent, este livrarea de sisteme UHD (4K) integrate.

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Who we are
Founded in 1990, Hydra Ltd. is a well established player for Romanian broadcast industry.
We started in the nineties by introducing digital technologies on the local market.
Starting with 2005-2007 we have been working with the implementation of file based technologies and the changes needed in the production workflows in the television and video industry.
After 2011, we focused on analyzing and implementing systems with high resilience against failures using redundancy solutions but also by alternate designs. This is a challenging task as redundancy in real-time processes implies many factors to be considered.
At the same time, starting in 2016, we started providing solutions and technologies for online environments.
Today, our goal is to introduce IP technologies, how to transition to full IP systems and how to unify the production and processing of uncompressed signals with compressed signals.
Another objective at present is the delivery of integrated UHD (4K) systems.
Main domains of activity are Television and IPTV.
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Planificare, Proiectare si
Integrare Sistemica

Planificare, proiectare si integrare sistemica pentru aplicatii de televiziune, achizitie, prelucrare, transmisie si stocare. Ne bazam pe o experienta indelungata in colaborarerea cu clienti de toate marimile de pe piata romaneasca. Parteneriatele indelungate cu producatori importanti de echipamente asigura succesul unei integrari optime.

System Planning,
Design and Integration

Consultancy for solution and workflow design. Gained over many years of close co-operation with a wide variety of Romanian customers we have a deep understanding of broadcast operations and workflows. Project planning and system design is backed by long experience and well established relations with most important manufacturers.

Instalare, Punere in Functiune,
Testare si Training

Asiguram instalarea si punerea in functiune. Asiguram scheme bloc, de detaliu si de organizare a echipamentelor si patch-urilor in rack-uri. Asiguram comisionarea producatorilor, testarea off-line si on-line. Cu ajutorul partenerilor nostri asiguram cursuri pentru acomodare sau specializare pentru sistemele si echipamentele furnizate.

Installation, Commisioning,
Testing and Training

We provide installation. Systems schematics, equipment and jackfield layouts are produced. Commissioning together with our partners is provided for full tests prior to go on-air. Together with our partners we can provide training for users or technical people for all supplied systems and equipment.

Furnizare de Echipamente
pentru Piata Romaneasca

Furnizam echipamente de la producatori renumiti cu care colaboram de multi ani, cu unii dintre acestia inca din 1994. Toate echipamentele sunt complet testate inainte de livrare. Toate echipamentele complexe sunt fiabilizate minim 48 de ore inainte de livrare. Furnizam echipamente pentru televiziune, pentru CCTV si pentru IPTV.

Equipment Supplier for
Romanian Market

Equipment distribution from well-known manufacturers with long years of partnership. All supplied equipment carry out full tests before delivery to customers. For complex hardware we carry a 48 hours burn-in tests before delivery. We supply equipment for broadcast industry for CCTV and for IPTV.

Suport Tehnic si Service
in Garantie si Post-garantie

Asiguram suport tehnic pentru toate solutiile si echipamentele furnizate. Asiguram service local in perioada de garantie si post-garantie. Pentru contractele de suport realizam informari periodice si planuri de intretinere si service. Pentru echipamente critice putem la cerere rezerva componente in depozitul nostru sau al producatorilor pentru livrare rapida.

Technical Support and
Service and Post-Service

We provide technical support for all systems and equipment supplied. We have local service for guarantee and post-guarantee. For support contracts we make service planning and periodical reports for maintenance and service. On request we keep in our warehouse critical components for fast delivery.